6 Advantages of Having Broadleaf Carpetgrass in Your Home

Lush green grass makes any landscape look very appealing. Also known as buffalo grass, broadleaf grass is a thick growing carpet grass, which produces a thick turf. One of the many advantages of broadleaf carpetgrass is that it'll help you achieve an appealing lush green lawn all through the year. It's unique look and benefits over other types of grasses make it stand out from all other grass types. 

Continue reading for more incredible benefits of having broadleaf carpetgrass in your home. 

It's Low Maintenance

Broadleaf carpetgrass is low maintenance. It doesn't require fertiliser and other supplements to thrive. Weeds thrive in well-fertilised soils, thus, the fact that you won't need fertiliser will eliminate weeds. Carpetgrass grows into a thick turf, which suffocates any weed that may grow among it. This saves you the time you would have used to remove weeds from your grass.

It's Durable

Investing in broadleaf carpet grass in your home is a long-term investment. This is because, unlike other types of grass, broadleaf carpet grass is perennial. With the right care and maintenance, you can prolong the life cycle, meaning that you don't have to change the grass regularly. 

It Grows Fast

Like any carpet grass, broadleaf carpet grass has the ability to grow and spread very quickly. This makes it a great option if you want to move into a newly constructed home. Because broadleaf carpet grass is often drought resistant, it will grow fast into a thick turf. Since it grows very fast, regular mowing is necessary to keep it tidy and attractive. 

It Controls Soil Erosion 

Broadleaf carpet grass is an excellent choice if your home is built on loose soil. It'll hold the soil together and ensure that running water doesn't carry the soil away. Since it does well in a shade, it can do well under fruit trees. 

It's Drought Resistant

Broadleaf carpet grass is drought resistant. It requires very little water to survive. This incredible characteristic ensures that your lawn will be green all year round, even during the dry season. Since broadleaf carpet grass grows into such a thick turf, it doesn't dry easily. 

It's Aesthetically Pleasing 

Because of its broad leaves and thick nature, broadleaf carpetgrass makes your home appealing. Its fast-growing nature requires frequent lawn mowing, resulting in an aesthetically appealing thick sod which is free of weeds. Your landscape is a very important consideration for potential new buyers. Broadleaf carpetgrass will significantly increase the value to your home, should you decide to sell it.

Whether you choose to plant it through cuttings or sod, broadleaf carpet grass will soon fill up your lawn to create an appealing lush green coverage. 

To learn more, reach out to a local broadleaf carpetgrass supplier.

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Planting privacy bushes

We live near a busy laneway, and we get a lot of foot traffic by our window. I feel that this interferes with our privacy sometimes, as it means that people can see into our living area and we hear a lot of noise from their chatter and footsteps. We have planted some privacy bushes alongside my fence, and they are doing a great job of keeping out unwanted noise and keeping our home private from view. I only wish we'd done it earlier. This blog has other tips for homeowners who are looking to get more privacy in their home with landscaping.